When to Consider Replacing Your Home Furnace

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Just like other machines, a furnace has a lifespan and will definitely wear our regardless of whether you maintain it or not. Most heating systems including a furnace last between 15 and 20 years. The lifespan varies depending on how often it is used and well the owner takes care of it. You should therefore be prepared to replace your furnace if it is almost reaching its lifespan to avoid being caught off-guard. You may consider starting a special saving account to ensure you have enough money when your furnace needs to be prepared. There are other reasons that should make you consider replacing your furnace apart from old age and failure to work as we will see in this article.


As the furnace ages, it develops many faults requiring you to call in a furnace repair company frequently. This means that age is most common reason why you should consider replacing your furnace if you want to keep enjoying efficient services. If you know your furnace is approaching or is beyond 15 years, consider planning for a replacement even if it seems to be working perfectly. A working furnace does not mean it is safe and thus you should replace it to keep your household safe. Old furnaces are likely to breakdown, fail to work efficiently and cause high energy bills.

Failure to Function Properly

If you are using an old model furnace, you might experience temperature problems. The old furnace might not be able to function as it used to leading to reduced comfort and warmth. This is because an old furnace struggles to attain the heating demands leading to cold spots in your home. Failure of a furnace to distribute air properly and evenly means that your furnace has worn out and requires replacement for your family’s comfort and health.

Increased Energy Bills

You might notice that your energy bill has significantly increased if your furnace has reached the end of its lifespan. The bills become high even when the power usage pattern has not changed. Aging of furnaces makes them lose the ability to heat effectively. The inefficiency forces the system to work more that it should be in order to maintain a comfortable temperature increasing the energy usage and costs. While regular maintenance can mitigate some furnace problems, the efforts won’t be enough when the furnace reaches the end of its lifespan.

Increased Maintenance and Repair Costs

Rising of the maintenance and repair costs due to frequent breakdown might be a call for the need to get a new heating system. It reaches a point when you have to replace and repair almost every part of your furnace on regular basis because the unit cannot keep up anymore. Repairing your furnace many times than normal may cost you more that getting a new one. Furthermore, the furnace might still not function as it should be even after repair reducing the air quality of your home.

In conclusion, furnace replacement is inevitable at a certain point. It is important to keep track of the age of your furnace to the right time to replace it. When a furnace is old, even maintenance cannot sustain it. Other reasons you should consider replacing your furnace are, high energy bills, frequent maintenance and repair, and poor functioning.

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